| 固定リンク
- 堤団地の桜(2016.05.10)
- 気象台の桜(2016.05.09)
- 6月のアクロス福岡ステップガーデン(2013.06.17)
- 綿毛が舞い飛ぶ浜の町公園(2013.06.02)
- ホタルブクロの花の中(2012.05.12)
- 井戸水手押しポンプ(2015.07.17)
- 大牟田市の路上2014(2014.11.29)
- 井筒屋から見る小倉城(2014.03.09)
- 小倉井筒屋のエスカレーターが面白い(2014.03.08)
- 小倉駅に突き刺さるモノレール(2013.05.29)
I live in Taiwan. I like to travel to japan. Can you authorise the photo(Yanagawa: spring sakura)for me to post in my blog's article to introduce the beautiful scene of Kyushu ?
I will notify that this photo is taken by you in my blog.
If you agree with my idea, please let me know.
Thank you !
投稿: David Huang | 2007/02/13 11:24
Hello, David.
I'm happy you like my photos.
OK, please use these two photos in your blog. And please link to this entry from your article of the photos.
Now, let me explain them.
The blossoms in the first picture are cherry (sakura). And the blossoms in the second are peach (momo), I think.
投稿: JUMA | 2007/02/16 21:18
Thank you !
I will link the photos to your web !
投稿: David Huang | 2007/02/25 22:50
Your another photo
Sakura in Maizuru school of Fukuoka
May I use it in my article? I will link to this entry.
I don't know that the second photo of yanagawa is peach, thanks for your explanation. I think that is not suitable for me, because I want to introduce place to watch sakura. Thank you !
投稿: David Huang | 2007/03/04 00:25
Another photo? I see.
By the way, it's beside the school. Outside of the gate.
Thank you.
投稿: JUMA | 2007/03/11 10:22